to our journey

January, 10 of 2022
We reached out to people that we believe can be partners, allies or stand in the way of our project. Here are some of our insights from the interviews with them.
Library of Panteion University

  • Library staff recycles their own paper cartons on the recycle bin on the street.
  • They don't have recycling bins in the library for the students.
  • They would like to see that happening.


  • They wash every plastic /paper box and recycle it.
  • They send the glass bottles back to the companies.
  • They use the recycling bin on the street.
  • Every straw is biodegradable.

Panteion Student

Panteion University Restaurant

  • They recycle at home.
  • They don't see any recycling bins on campus so they just throw everything at the waste bins.
  • They would love to see more recycling bins.

  • They recycle all plastic and paper packages and throw everything in specific recycling bins.
  • After talking with us they decided to eliminate plastic forks and knives.
  • They will look into replacing plastic packaging with biodegradable ones, as long as its compatible with food handling standards.

We contacted professor Christina Koulouri through email to talk about our cause. She seemed interested in our initiative, but due to her busy schedule we haven't got the chance to interview her yet.
Dean of Panteion University

January, 18 of 2022
Walking around the hallways of our University we noticed that all the bins outside of classrooms are for regular waste, but most trash inside of them is actually recyclable.

Havind that in mind, we decided to put up some posters that express our concern about the way our University works in terms of recycling.

Our next step was to create some "Experimental Recycling Bins" and place them in key spots inside the buildins of Panteion.

We will check in a few days to see how students responded to this initiative and see if the administration is eager to act on this problem.
Posters & Experimental Bins
January, 28 of
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